Thursday, February 26, 2009


It has been over a month since my last post. I need to start writing again if for no other reason than to vent. Work sucks. It sucks for several reasons. It is poorly structured, I'm underpaid (literally underpaid as I don't make the minimum for my pay grade), the expectations are unrealistic for the workload, and my coworkers have become dependent on me in a bad way. There is no good spot for me. No matter how I move forward, there is somebody that isn't impressed by me which is terrible because everybody that works in my building is someone that I should impress. Oh well.

Wedding planning is also stressful. I can only imagine what Virginia is going through because I'm not even really handling anything. Rest assured, though the economy may be struggling the wedding planning industry is still elbow deep in the pockets of Americans. I'm looking forward to the wedding and actually started getting really excited for it just this week. I have to just have faith that everything is going to work out.

And to confound all of this negativity winter absolutely refuses to let up. We get a couple of days of beauty and then a blast of what it's like to be Canadian. Winter always wears on me. By the end of it I feel like I'm at the end of my rope. The persistent gray skies and the shortened hours of daylight grind on my psyche like coarse grit sandpaper. I yearn for that first day that I can come home, change into normal clothes, and still have enough daylight to do something, anything outside.