Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I applied to be an extra in the George Clooney movie tonight (they're filming in Omaha over the weekend). Below is my application e-mail. I hope you enjoy. They are the ramblings of a person who really doesn't want to go to work tomorrow (I was supposed to have the day off but nay nay), who doesn't think that he has a shot at getting on as an extra, and who should've stopped two glasses of wine ago. And my application goes...

To Whom It May Concern,

I saw the call for extras on the local news tonight and decided to respond. It said to include pertinent information, however, it didn't say what was desired so I've decided to ramble. I'm a born-and-raised Nebraskan. I have no acting or extra experience, although I met Danny Glover once. I didn't actually meet him; my neighbor drove the limo that picked him up from my tiny hometown airport and took him to the college to speak. I got an autograph on a program. He misspelled my name. The most famous people that I've met in person were the actors who played the Ghostbusters at Disney World circa 1990. Thinking about it, I guess I did have a role in a film once. It was a sociology project in high school. I nearly got beaten and arrested because I "mugged" one of the other kids in my group at the Hilltop Mall. Nobody has seen the video as it could be considered evidence. This concludes the rambling.

The information that you're probably looking for is that I'm male, 5'10", 190 pounds, and 27 years old on Friday (this would make a pretty sweet birthday present). I have brown hair and hazel eyes. I'm somewhat pasty coming out of the freezing winter. I can be immediately available as I'm not supposed to work tomorrow anyway but was told I have to. If needed I could stay all day. I can be reached at (402)679-5860. If I don't answer immediately it is because my phone has a weak vibrate function but I will call back. I check my phone frequently.

Thank you for your consideration,
Bret Londer

Also, I'm trying to start a new business. It is a very difficult process, and it is a constant cycle of gaining confidence and then getting humbled. The very kind gentleman that I had lunch with today to learn more about starting a business gave me some sage advice; starting a business is a race between your dedication and energy for the idea and the day it actually becomes a business. Money and success are far off and will come if your idea is good but won't be as important as making it all work. I don't know that I've ever gotten more out of $40 in my entire life. I look forward to more lunches.