Sunday, October 19, 2008

Reading/Listening, Update/Visit

Reading: Still Sedaris. I've made minor progress, but the mailman decided that I was reading too much and dropped off both Car and Driver and Popular Science in consecutive days. I've already motored through C&D and I'm exploring Pop Sci right now. See what I did there? Anyway, I'm still pretty certain that I'm going to read An Age of Turbulence when I'm done with Sedaris, but I recently fell off the wagon and blew $60 at Borders. I still very much prefer Barnes and Noble, but Borders is closer and I'm lazy. I had to go to pick up price guides for sports cards as my mom brought me a bunch of my old ones and I need to sort through them, however, while I was there I also picked up a couple of other books. Oil! by Upton Sinclair, a book of Garrison Keilor poems, and a gigantic biography of Albert Einstein that I'm unnaturally excited to read. I have a fascination with Einstein. When I showed Virginia she informed me that he had experimental surgery. She's currently on her Vascular Surgery rotation and while there learned that Einstein had an aneurysm that surgeons wrapped in cellophane. Crazy.

Listening: Everything. We painted this weekend and I put my iPod on shuffle and just listened. There's nothing major to note other than the fact that I really don't even know what I have on my own iPod. Songs would pop up that I'd never heard before, which is sort of sad. I am the ultimate consumer.

So, I've been really busy. Work has been hectic as I've been trying to wrap things up at my current job while also preparing for my new one. I'm going to miss my coworkers and yes, even most of my doddering old customers. A couple of them have sworn that they are going to come out to my new branch to have me help them but it's so far that I doubt I will see most of them again. At home we spent the weekend painting and doing small projects in preparation for Virginia's sister and her husband who will be visiting us this weekend. The next weekend her dad and his partner will be out to visit, so there won't really be any down time for us for a bit. We painted the pink room today so it is now the brown room. In the process we discovered that we should hire things out whenever possible because I am a douche and assume the role of foreman automatically. I am a condescending foreman. There was a confounding factor in my defense. Trivia question: Who has ten toes but only nine toenails? If you answered Bret, you would be correct. The big toenail on my right foot has been messed up since I broke my ankle so it had to go. It wasn't excruciating, but it has felt like somebody has been standing on my toe for a couple of days now which isn't fun. At least it gives me an excuse to take the Vicodin I have left over from my ankle surgery. Hooray! It also gives me an excuse to wear a sandal and a sock on my right foot and a regular shoe on my left in public. Yep, stole that one out of the short bus playbook. Oh well, yet another chapter in my life. That's all for tonight.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Reading/Listening, Promotion, Virginia

Reading: When You Are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris. It's a pretty funny book. I'm trying to pile on the humor before I plow through The Age of Turbulence. I'm about 150 pages through the book so far which is just under halfway. There was an absolutely hilarious story about a particularly bitchy woman that Sedaris sat next to on a flight. One of those people who thinks that YOU are an ass because you don't do exactly what THEY want you to do. I hope the lady read the story but I know that didn't happen because people are that way because they think books are for nerds and that their time is too important to waste on enlightenment.

Listening: I've been obsessed with two songs this last week. The first is Wish I Didn't Miss You by Angie Stone off of the album Fatboy Slim:Late Night Tales. The thing I hate about the song is that it is only 2:24 long. After listening to it, I understand the junkie's craving. I want more. I can listen to it ten times in a row and I still want more. It's almost sickening. The other song is We Major by Kanye West. As much I think that Kanye West is one of the worst human beings alive today, he can crank out a great song from time to time. What I love about this song is the minimal emphasis on the lyrics and the music that just leaves you feeling good no matter how you felt before. The only odd notable song is that this morning in the shower, for no good reason, I started singing El Scorcho by Weezer. When I was driving to work, I started skipping forward in my iPod and about three songs forward guess what popped on? Quite a coincidence considering that my iPod is now home to about 3500 songs. I could tell you exactly except Apple apparently decided to ruin iTunes. Oh well.

If you are friends with me on Facebook you might have already seen that I got a promotion on Tuesday. I will be the new Customer Service Manager at the 132nd & California branch of Bank of the West. It's a small raise for now but much better hours and phenomenal networking as all of the regional staff are based out of this branch. I start on the 21st, so I'll keep you posted on how it's going.

Virginia is on another horrible rotation. We're starting to think that there aren't going to be any easy, regular-houred rotations. She left home just before 6am this morning and she still isn't home (it's 10:25pm, I have no idea what the time stamp says but it's never right). The utter disregard for the rules that they're supposed to follow (maximum 80 hour week, can't be in the hospital for more than 30 hours straight) is appalling. They tell her to go home because she's been there to long, but in the same breath they tell her eight more things that she needs to do before she leaves. On this particular rotation she has a lazy-ass senior resident who is taking advantage of her but she's too nice to do anything about it. I always joke that there are ten million reasons that I couldn't be a doctor, and I think the number one reason is that I can't keep my mouth shut when somebody is straight fucking me over. I hope she gets to the point where she speaks up because she's in an emotional hell right now and the only way out is to elbow out some mental separation for herself. She'll make it because I apparently keep her sane, but hopefully she can regain some sanity on her own and won't have to rely on me for it.

Monday, October 6, 2008


I'm still here. I've been busy, as usual. I finished Lewis Black and am dutifully cranking through the new Sedaris book. Virginia's good. Dot's good. Interviewed for a promotion today. I'll post more tomorrow for certain, but I wanted to put something online today. Until tomorrow.