The kind of discontent that you feel when something is just beyond your fingertips. A mixture of discontent, anxiety, frustration, and the feeling that if you could just reach another inch or if somebody would just hang on to you while you leaned or if this goddamn railing were just a bit shorter, you'd have it. That's where I sit firmly right now. For the first time ever I have clarity and purpose to guide me but it's like I can't find the keys to the car. There's more depth to this but for some reason I can sense that if I put it on paper right now it will come across as prattle. I will not have prattle.
Within the next couple days I'll be posting some more things. I've had some interesting cab rides in the past couple of weeks that deserve sharing as well as some other things that have been pinging around inside my skull like a superball, so welcome back to my life, internets!
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