Thursday, April 19, 2007

Fake Post

This is not an actual post. I wanted to write something. I have wanted to write something for two days now, actually, but I'm ridiculously negative for some reason. Rather than spread my downer attitude over the interwebs, I've chosen to limit myself to comments on other blogs. I'll snap out of it tomorrow. If not, I'll just fake it.


Unknown said...

I have not had actual posts for a while either. I am also sort of negative today. I didn't go to my morning class, but slept in until 10. I am now skipping my afternoon class. I will, however, be at the reading at 3:30. At least I am trying somewhat to be a "good" student.

Unknown said...

This is a fake response. I need to make this fake response to make it seem like I am doing something productive. I hope you don't mind me making a fake response to your fake post.

Kate Jenkins said...

This is for you:

I kind of think McSweeney's might be a cure-all for everything and everyone but me.