Saturday, April 21, 2007

Orringer, Motorcycle

I was shocked when I came to the realization that Julie was going to kill off the little girl in her story. I realized it the second time she had the glass of red water in the story. I wasn't sure how, but I know. Vonnegut would've been proud.

Out of all of the visiting authors, I enjoyed her Q & A the most. Reason: the format was question, answer, anecdote! Weird concept, I'm asked a question, and I answer it before I ramble. Who would speak in such a manner? The obvious answer is that she is an alien. Or foreign. Immigrants seem to always have a better grasp of the English language than native speakers.

The most important thing that I gleaned from her speech was that when writing autobiographically, it helps to put yourself into a completely different character, like a child. Sense I tend to write pretty close to the vest, this will be a helpful tool that I can try out.

On an unrelated note, my motorcycle was supposed to be here 2 hours ago, but my shipper is running behind. I hope he gets here soon, I'm excited to see my pile of junk motorcycle, because it is mine.


Unknown said...

Damn straight that motorcycle is yours! Don't let some savage take it away from you!

And just in time for the nice weather, right?

bretlonder said...

It is just in time for the nice weather, but it will probably be next year's nice weather before I get it running. Carburator, I can handle. Seat and battery, I'm on it. Headlight, eh... Minor rewiring, is there a motorcycle doctor in the house? I also need a locksmith because the keys are AWOL, but for $100, I still think it looks pimp. I'm going to hassle a friend with a digital camera so I can take some pictures.

Unknown said...

You should post up some pictures so we all can see your prize...$100 is not bad at much do you plan to spend fixing it up?

bretlonder said...

I'm guessing about a thousand dollars. I'm going to try most of it myself, but I'm not very mechanically inclined, so we'll see how it turns out.

Kate Jenkins said...

Did your motorcycle get here? Also, thanks for the generic advice... except I think my heart joined forces with my unconscious to punish me even more.