Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Squeeze

This is the time of year that crushes the life out of students, and likely takes years off of the life of students, too. College is structured very poorly in that all of the classes have major projects and such due at roughly the same time of year. Ideally, the students would be working on these things all year long, however, the reality is that we get crushed right before the end of the semesters. It won't be long before college faculty and administrators realize that a major change in the way we go about education is necessary. If it is a long time before the change, I will strongly encourage my kids to forgo college if they don't need it (not becoming doctors, lawyers, mechanics, etc.).

Personally, I'm best under pressure. I absolutely hate it, but a lack of time forces me to stop questioning myself and act on my gut. My gut is good. The problem is that this time of year forces me into such a downward spiral of self-loathing that it gets ridiculous. I hate not having any time to do what I want any more.

I finished my story around 3:30-4ish today and dumped it in the box. I think it is good, but I think it drones on in some places. A lot of that was trying to fill pages. I'm not sure, but I think the story was supposed to be even longer than it is. There is room for expansion, but I didn't discover this until I was finished. Oh well, we'll likely spend 80% of the time talking about the few places where the underdeveloped story lines seem to stick out. So it goes. Keep your heads up, we'll all get through it. And then we should barbeque at my place.


Kate Jenkins said...

If you have a charcoal grill, we can use my senior thesis to start the fire.

C.D. said...

When I think about all that I have yet to do, I assume the fetal position and fall into hysterical/maniacal laughter.

Kate Jenkins said...

Chelsea, I love the idea of you convulsing in maniacal laughter. It brings a fiendish smirk to my lips.