Tuesday, November 13, 2007

All Day, Reading, No Poker

I thought I opened this morning, which meant that I had to be to work at 7:15am. I wasn't actually supposed to open. However, at around 6:45am one of my managers called to see if I would go in for her because she had to take her boyfriend to the hospital. She didn't make it in at all, which meant that I had to work from 7:15am-6:15pm. That makes for a long day. Her boyfriend is fine. He thought he was having a heart attack, but it wasn't that or a stroke. They're keeping him overnight for observation and likely releasing him tomorrow.

I don't know if I've said this before, but we don't have cable in our break room at work. The other guys I work with brought all of the Entourage seasons (minus season three part two), but I've now watched all of those. This means that I read. This is good and bad. The good is that I will finish probably two books a week. This is also the bad. Theoretically, I could motor through every book I own and haven't read in about six months. This would murder my bank account. Stay tuned...

Short post, bedtime.


Anonymous said...

love that show. Sitting here doing nothing since our system keeps crashing. It's so awesome. Thanksgiving plans? Kearney? Meet up sometime there?

bretlonder said...

Thanksgiving in Omaha. Christmas in Kearney.