Saturday, March 3, 2007

Actually About Writing

I'm torn with what to do in my new story. I've talked about it briefly on here before, but for the unfamiliar my story will be about a time in elementary school that I went with a friend to Catholic mass. My problem is that I don't know how to end the story. I don't really want the ending to be about religion as well, because I think that would be too over-the-top, but at this point I really don't have any other avenues to explore. What I'm thinking about trying is to step inside the story and look around at the actual people that I've populated it with. Religion is going to be a part of my story no matter what I do, because everything takes place in a church, but I think by trying this method for an ending, it will give me an opportunity to do something more with the story. Thoughts?

1 comment:

Kate Jenkins said...

end with a specific image or action that will make the reader feel like something has really just, the Jesus on the Crucifix winks at you (although that would just be really strange and bizarre and probably not a good way to end your story)...