Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Short Reading/Listening, Work, No Poker

Reading: Finished Kafka, moved on to Sleeping with the Dictionary by Harryette Mullen. I'm going to be a cheater and plow through a couple of poetry books to feel better about myself.

Listening: Nothing. My music tastes have been skipping along with my mood the past week, so I don't think I've listened to any song more than twice. I've had a range from down tempo techno by Kruder and Dorfmeister to frantic early Beastie Boys punk rock.

Short post tonight because of work. This kid that I work with that sucks has now called in sick four days in a row. He pre-called for tomorrow. He said he was sick on Friday. On Saturday, he said it was too icy to get to work, even though he literally lives six blocks away and nobody else had a problem getting there. Yesterday his back hurt so he left after an hour, he missed today because of his back, and he's going to miss tomorrow. He has Juvenile Disc Disease, which I'm not going to research so I can continue to call him a pussy about, but I'll butt it up against Sciatica any day. Plus, he went to get a pain shot yesterday. I get no pain shot for my Sciatica, I just get to walk like I'm 107 and have osteoporosis. Point of the story: he's a whiny little bitch. I hope he gets fired. That way, I'll still be working six days a week, but he'll be jobless.

Real post minus bitching tomorrow. Probably minus bitching. Maybe minus bitching. There will probably be a small amount of bitching.


Anonymous said...

love it. I'm sure there is some pain, but c'mon, push through and go to work.

Our office manager came in to bitch out another one of our agents because he sent a check certified mail. It was a $10 check and it cost like $16 to send. I think he's going to make him pay for the postage.

Kate Jenkins said...

I like it when you bitch. It makes me feel better.